BA Racing not allowed to use different coloor schemes.
Published on 04 February 1999 by Verstappen Info Page
The International chamber of Commerce decided in favour of the FIA that every team is only allowed to use one colour scheme for both cars. During their presentation, BAR showed both cars in different colours to the press and told that they were planning to use the different schemes during the rest of the season. The FIA judged that it was not according to the regulation so BA Racing brought the case in front of the International Chamber of Commerce. Yesterday the judgement was made in favour of the FIA. Although the team of BA Racing was disappointed, Craig Pollock accepted the decision and stated: "We accept the decision from the Arbitrators and we will abide by this ruling. We thought it important to take this position in order to protect our ability to raise funding for the team, but now we must move on to other priorities". According to the same Pollock it is still not clear in which colours both cars will start the season: "You can be assured that our new livery designs will be innovative, creative and representative of the first-class image of the sport, our team and our sponsors".

Craig Pollock in front of his cars which he preferred to see in this way on the track.