Jos in Valencia
Published on 29 January 2003 by Huub Rothengatter
This afternoon Jos has arrived at the circuit in Valencia accompanied by his dad Frans. Justin Wilson is today's driver but tomorrow it is Jos's turn. At the moment they are using Avon F3000 tyres as Minardi has not concluded a deal with one of the tyre suppliers Bridgestone and Michelin. As long as there is no deal either manufacturer will not supply the team with tyres.

Jos watching Justin Wilson drive past. "Drats, forgot me earplugs." (Photo: Frits van Eldik).

Justin Wilson in the Minardi on Avon tyres. (Photo: Frits van Eldik)
Avon has lend the team a helping hand and therefore today's laps were done using this kind of tyres. Tomorrow we will post more news and photographs about the Minardi test and especially about Jos's first impression.