Jos Verstappen's comments
Published on 02 August 2003 by Huub Rothengatter
As usual we spoke with Jos after the qualifying session. Jos was satisfied, despite his rookie team mate set a time close to his.

"Quite logical, he was on soft tyres. That should make about 0.5 - 0.7 seconds. These tyres however are totally unfit for the race. We have tried some long runs this morning but after 3-4 laps the softer tyres a showing blisters and then the tyres starts to deteriorate. You start to slide when braking and your grip gets less. The harder tyres do have the same problem but it takes a lot longer before they reach that stage."
Didn't you think it was strange that Kiesa choose that tyres despite knowing that?
"No not really, I can understand his position. He wants to probe himself and the only way to do that is to get close to my qualification time. I am sure he will experience the effect tomorrow. I will make every effort to show him that his choice of tyres was the wrong one".
Can we expect any rain?
"Nah, I don't think so. I believe it is getting even warmer, which is even more difficult for those soft tyres." according to Jos from a warm and sunny Hockenheim.