Jos Verstappen again with A1 Team Netherlands!
Published on 01 August 2006 by Thorsten Hendriks
Jos Verstappen will be driving for the A1 Team Netherlands next season in the A1GP World Cup of Motorsport which has its start at the circuit of Zandvoort, The Netherlands on October 1st.
It has taken long but last weekend it was confirmed that Jos Verstappen, his manager Huub Rothengatter and team boss Jan Lammers have agreed to continue for a second season in A1.

We all know that Jos is not a man of many words but that is made up by his actions. He is relieved that all the negotiations are over and he can focus on driving. Jos Verstappen: "I am happy we all agreed that we needed to continue on what was built last season. It is fantastic for me and my fans that the A1 season starts in The Netherlands. This coming weekend I am doing a demo with the orange A1GP car during the BP Ultimate Masters. I hope to reward my fans and other motorsport enthusiasts with good results."
Jan Lammers is equally happy that he managed to come to an agreement with Jos Verstappen about extending the co-operation; "Continuity and stability are essential. The bright orange car with Jos as driver was an excellent combination and we would like to keep that and build on it. Both behind the wheel and in front of the camera Jos is inpredictable. He is not a media trained robot but someone who is spontaneous and speaks his mind, that is what makes him refreshing and interesting but the bottom line is the fact that he is able to drive extremely fast!"
Before the real work starts on October 1st A1 Team Netherlands will be giving some demos over the next couple of weeks in The Netherlands. First during the BP Ultimate Masters on August 6th at Circuit Park Zandvoort. Jos has good memories of this circuit in the dutch dunes. In 1993 he won the Masters of Formula 3 - this was what leapfrogged his career towards Formula 1.
After the Masters the team will visit the Rizla Racing Day at the TT-circuit in Assen on August 13th for a demo. On August 20th Rotterdam will meet the guys from A1GP; the Bavaria City Race will take place in the centre of the city.
Thorsten Hendriks